Pixels 2021

For our PIXELS competition, members can submit an image to the theme which is then judged externally where a gold, silver or bronze can be awarded. At the end of the year, the overall winner is announced.

The themes for the 2021 competition are based on song titles and are:

MonthSongArtistTheme Definition
JanuaryAll The Small ThingsBlink 182Time to show us your best macro shot.
MarchToo Many Fish In The SeaThe MarvelettesImage can be any fish:

"...short ones, tall ones, fine ones, kind ones"
MayYou're My Best FriendQueenOr more importantly your dive buddy! Your dive buddy doesn’t have to be the main subject but must be somewhere in the image.
JulyUnder The BoardwalkThe DriftersImage must have been taken underneath a structure that people can walk on. Image must show enough of the structure to clearly indicate
SeptemberOctopus's GardenThe BeatlesObviously, an octopus image; but so as not to upset any of their tentacled/multi-armed cousins, image can be of any cephalopod (squid, cuttlefish, nautilus).
NovemberAll Things Bright and BeautifulChurch HymnJust the traditional end of year Open theme, image
can be of any subject:

“All things bright and beautiful,
All creatures great and small,….”

The PIXELS Competition has its own set of rules, download and read the 2021 Pixels Rules.

Entries must also meet the WAUPS Competition Rules and Image Size Guidelines which can be viewed here.