For our PIXELS competition, members can submit an image to the theme which is then judged externally where a gold, silver or bronze can be awarded. At the end of the year, the overall winner is announced.

The themes for the 2020 competition are:

MonthThemeTheme Definition
JanuarySoft & SquidgyAny image taken underwater of a subject that has soft or squidgy texture. Sponges, sea squirts, Nudibranchs, squid and jellyfish are all fair game!
MarchShell Shocked!Any image that has been taken underwater of a subject that has a shell.
MaySymbiosisAny image that has been taken underwater that demonstrates Symbiosis. This can be mutualistic (both benefit), commensalistic (one benefits, one not effected), or parasitic (One benefits, one adversely affected).
JulySafetyMarine creatures employ all sorts of techniques to ensure their own safety. For example, some have protective spikes and others rely on safety in numbers. Some simply hide. For this theme, your image must have been taken underwater and demonstrates a technique of self-preservation.
SeptemberTowards The SurfaceThe shot must somehow reveal the presence of the ocean surface. Split shots (Over/unders), light from the surface, waves, images where the sky is visible through the water are all permitted.
NovemberOpenAny image that has been taken underwater, but not including in an aquarium, is allowed.

The PIXELS Competition has its own set of rules, download and read the 2020 Pixels Rules.

Entries must also meet the WAUPS Competition Rules and Image Size Guidelines which can be viewed