
Membership fees cover the cost of:

  • keeping our equipment up-to-date – laptop, projector and screen, monitor calibrator
  • small thank you gifts for guest speakers
  • fees for the club to participate in exhibitions
  • printed materials to promote the club
  • venue hire

Membership fees also include membership to the WA Photographic Federation which gives you access to a range of great photography trips, workshops/courses and conferences and also gives the club important public liability insurance.

A membership year is from the AGM in June.

Membership fee is $70 per person.
The fee is $35 when paid after December 31 for people joining the club for the first time.

If you would like to join, please complete the online membership form here and transfer the membership fee into the WAUPS bank account. All current members also need to complete a new form each year.

Direct deposit is our preferred method of payment.
BSB: 036054
Acc no: 960861
Acc name: WA Underwater Photographic Society
Please leave your name so we can track your payment.